Happy December!

I learned a super important lesson last night, don’t fiddle with upgrading the PHP when your backup isn’t accessible (or make a new one!). As you might have noticed, this site looks slightly different now. I’m going to leave some of the new tweaks up, but I will bring back the rest of the blog posts once I have time to sit down and do so. I’m not the WordPress genius I once was, and there have been many changes to the software since I learned back when it was just starting to get popular. Heck, even getting to this point took longer than I’d like to admit.

I’m getting ready to post one of my last sock patterns for a while this weekend and it’s been bittersweet doing the final edits. One of the biggest reasons for the semi-retirement is my thumb has been a little weird over the past year or so. It’s made doing sample knits, and just regular knitting harder than I’d like and I want to give my hands an official rest from knitting in January. I’m going to be moving all of my patterns into my shop – https://purlkitty.shop which will be their new home vs having them mainly for sale on Ravelry. I’ll update once they’re all in there. Over time they’ll go into Etsy as well, but that’ll be Stage 2.

What am I going to be doing instead of designing? I have a few things starting up, but I’m not ready to share them yet since there are still some details up in the air and I have a few choices I still need to make, so watch this space for more! I’m going to keep posting projects and life updates as they come.

I am still knitting personal projects and I have Christmas knitting on my plate (hence why the break for my hands doesn’t come until January), I’ve been slowly working on these socks from some vintage Must Stash Yarns that I must have bought back in 2014 I think. It’s a great yarn and base and I’m thoroughly enjoying the process when I have time.

I made a loose goal for 2022 to complete 52 FOs over the year. I think I got to 15 and will most likely close at 22. I think next year, no more knitting goals until my hands are better and the travel picks up.

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