2023 was a year of schoolwork and designing. I think those two things are what I did most looking back. I wrote a lot of patterns that I never expected to do since I was suppose to retire and I managed to fit 40 credit hours into the span of 12 months (still finishing 3 of them this week with the intercession semester).
I was told I couldn’t finish my degree in less than 2 years with a major change, well I’m graduating in May, after I don’t want to think about how many years, major changes, interruptions, school changes. It’s going to finally be complete and I got a minor out of it too.
As for patterns, there were 7?! I think I mainly knit samples, finished a few pairs of socks, one long-time WIP. I honestly can’t remember as I was so focused on school.
This year will be graduating, more patterns, more travel, buying a new car, and we’ll see what else. Happy New Year.